People :: Members :: M.Sc. Zorica Lazarević

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Biographical information
BSc in Chemistry Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
PhD in Materials Science at University of Belgrade, Serbia.

MSc in Technical Sciences from the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies University of Belgrade
Thesis: "Kataforetske epoksidne prevlake na aluminijumu i modifikovanim površinama aluminijuma", or "Cataphoretic epoxy protective coatings on aluminium and modified aluminium surfaces".
PhD Thesis in process: "Uticaj mehanički aktivirane sinteze na strukturu i svojstva perovskitne slojevite bizmut-titanatne keramike", or "The influence of mechanically activating synthesis on the structure and the properties of layer perovskite bismuth titanate ceramics".

Center for Solid State and New Materials :: People
:: M.Sc. Zorica Lazarević :: CV :: publications :: print